

I really didn't want to write article about racism because I thought that racism didn't exist in civilized society. But I was wrong.

I need to start with powerful excerpt from Jan Masaryk's book:

''god made us all the same, one is white the other is black, one is beautiful (like you and me) and the other may have pimples. But all feel cold when its freezing outside, and we all sweat when it's hot. We all have to breathe, and one day, we will all be taken away. In short, we are all mortal. For this reason, we must not make slaves of others. Therefore, everyone - whether your day was a president or an electrician - must have the same opportunity to live a full life. No one should ever think that they are more important than anyone else. Maybe someone is smarter, maybe they wear better clothes, maybe they are more skilled or have bigger muscles, but all of this only obliges them to do more for those with worse clothes and with smaller muscles. But only people who genuinely care for others can understand this ''.

This excerpt expresses everything what I wanted to say. It truly doesn't matter what colour your skin is, what religion you practice, or which country you came from. These distinctions are trivial. Instead of judging others, we should strive to be kind, help each other and share smile.

My advice how to be open to others, be kind, and don't judge – it's simple. Just travel! Travelling gives you different perspective on various cultures and helps you understand others. Meet the people you might have judged; life will show you that you were wrong.