

Goodbyes is a part of our lives that we often don't recognize until we find ourselves face to face with them. Very often, we don't want to imagine any kind of farewell, it's probably because farewell is inherently sad. But not always. You can say a goodbye to your colleagues at the end of the workday or to your dentist. These are basic kinds of goodbyes, and for you, it's easy to say farewell because you know that you will see them again.

On the other side, goodbyes can be intense and painful, especially in the case of losing a loved one. In these moments, we confront emotions that compel us to reflect on what that person or situation meant to us.

But I want to talk about something in between - what's just happened to me.

I recently had to say goodbye to people I have known for only a month, and if you think that was easy, you're wrong. It really wasn't. It doesn't matter how long you know each other, sometimes one day is enough to miss someone. And the emotions are a big part of it. When you bid farewell to someone important, you have to let your feelings out. I know it can be hard. When I said goodbye to my friends, it may have looked like I was calm, but you should see me now as I write this article - I'm crying like a baby.

On the other hand, goodbyes are a great opportunity to see each other again. Please!

Contact your long-distance friends or family - text them, call them, or send a letter. Whatever you do, remember that while goodbyes can be sad, think of the joy you'll feel when you see your friend after long time. It's like the rainbow that appears after the rain, after every goodbye, there will be a reunion.

One thing is clear when you cry while saying goodbye, you will probably cry when you meet them again. And tears of happiness are real feeling.

Each farewell carries the promise of future.