Goodbye too soon
It's been a crazy week for me. This week, I want to talk about goodbyes again, but in a slightly different way. Probably everyone knows that when someone breaks up with you or you have to say goodbye to someone after a long time, it's painful, and I agree with that. But I think people forget what it's like to say goodbye to someone you've only known for a short time. And that's what I want to talk about today.
I met a girl two months ago. We spent a lot of time together — swimming, going to dinners, walking... it was just perfect. We really looked forward to seeing each other, and it was something I hadn't experienced in a long time. But… why does it always have to be a "but"? Her previous relationship lasted 8 years, and she is still not healed from it. She's very smart, so she knows she has to heal on her own. I'm proud of her, and I believe she can do it. I, on the other hand, have plans to move to another country to gain work and life experience. So, unfortunately, our plans for the near future are completely different.
But here's what I want to talk about: When we decided not to see each other again, I thought, "It was only two months, it will be okay. It wasn't really anything significant." But I was wrong. Now I realize it might actually be harder because, after those two months, everything was perfect. Nothing was wrong. We just didn't have time to experience anything bad, like arguing or hurting each other.
So, we had to say goodbye to something that was basically perfect. But for me, it's not over. I believe that we will meet again one day. Maybe it won't be next week, next month, or even in half a year, but I believe we will meet again someday. I didn't think it would affect me this much, but even now, it's costing me tears. Still, I know we experienced something beautiful, even if it was only for a brief moment.