

Well, this field is so vast that it's hard to know where to begin, but starting at the beginning might be best. When you start dating someone usually feels great. In fairy tales, everything ends with ''they lived happily ever after ''but those endings usually only exist in fairy tales. I said ''usually ''on purpose because there really are people who meet their soulmates in kindergarten and stay together for life. It's rear, but not impossible.

In a ''normal life, ''however, you meet many people throughout the world, you fall in love many times, and it's great. It's important to know what you want and what you don't want, and the only way to find out is by trying. Try, try, try a don't lose hope. There will be moments in our lives when you realize that your partner isn't right for you, and you have to carefully tell them that it isn't working. Please be honest - don't lie - just say what's in your heart. It won't be comfortable, but its necessary to be candid and kind.

It's a bit worse when someone breaks up with you. I know it can be very hard to understand why, but when someone breaks up with you, questioning it is useless. It's over and you have to move on. The kindest think you can do for yourself is to let people go when they want to go. No chasing, no begging. Let it hurt and then let it heal. When we stop forcing people to choose us, we make room for the people that were made for us. You have to say goodbye to find your new hello.

You can't fight for someone who is ok losing you. And it's true at any age. Yea I know that when you're older its harder and harder. I understand that you don't have as much energy to date or that you might just feel tired. But remember, its okay to take a break, to take some time. You might feel lost or lonely, but everything will be okay. Time changes everything, time heals everybody.

Just don't stop living!